Hello my blog readers. Today I’m here to share my personal(?) update from the war in Israel. Chances are you have heard the horrifying news from Israel.
September 7th Saturday morning 6:30 AM. We woke up to spend a slow weekend at home, after being away on a trip to Poland and Copenhagen. Planning to have a cozy weekend with the kids. Little did we know what was going to happen.
A few minutes later the first siren alarm sounded loud and clear in our leaving room. I told Eyal, let’s get out of bed and get prepared to wake up the kids in case we will have to go into a shelter. And so it was.
From that moment on the horrors began. We never imagined what this day would look like. We did not imagine what Hamas was doing in those minutes when we were hiding. Massacre that the mind cannot digest, understand, imagine. We had no idea what the next few days would look like. The images that the eyes will see and the horrors that the ears will hear in the days after will never be forgotten.
All the media all over the world as well as all social networks are reporting on the atrocities that Hamas is committing in Israel.
From the moment the dreadful events started that morning, a flood of messages from followers began pouring in. Countless messages inundated my Instagram, Etsy, email, YouTube and FB accounts. People from all over the world reached out to me expressing their concern for our safety, asking about us, my family and myself.
Yesterday afternoon, I managed to record a video (thankfully, there were no distressing alarms) in which I shared my personal (?) update from the war in Israel. I shared our family’s current situation, the loved ones we tragically lost and how we’re grappling with (or not) the constant horrifying news.
I created this video to reassure you that I’ve read all your heartfelt messages and to offer you an update about our situation in Israel from my pov. You may find this video a little bit all over the place, I did not have the proper time to get prepared or to make notes, I just wanted to get connected with you and to provide a personal update.
for each and every word you’ve sent our way. Your messages have been incredibly heartwarming for all five of us. I have read every word you sent and our hearts are brining with appreciation for your support. I am truely thankful for this wonderful community that has been built through my CrochetObjet knitting journey. Your warmth and kindness means the world to me.
We are volunteering and trying to help as much as we can during these terrible days. But when I have some time for myself, I find immense comfort in knitting, cooking and homemaking. Two days ago when the news about kids and babies whose parents were murdered in front of their innocent eyes started to come, I just couldn’t stop myself from starting crochet Angie Bunny. I hope it will find it’s way into the hands of one of one of these kids soon.
I hope that in the next video I share, I’ll update you on my progress in knitting and hopefully inspire you a bit. Right now I can’t promise that, but I assure you I will do my best to keep you informed about the situation, xxMo